- Passenger Vehicle Make and Model Recognition System (UC Case No. 2012-863-1), Provisional patent application submitted
- Method and System for Vehicle Classification (WO/2012/125687), Patent filed and published online, absorbed following provisional patents.
- A Structural Signature Based Passenger Vehicle Classification and Measurement System
- A Vehicle Ground Clearance Measurement System
- A Video Based Hierarchical Vehicle Classification
Book Chapters:
- N. S. Thakoor, A. C. Cruz and B. Bhanu, “Video Bioinformatics Databases and Software” in Video Bioinformatics. Springer.
- A. C. Cruz, B. Bhanu and N. S. Thakoor, “Understanding of the Biological Process of Non-Verbal Communication: Facial Emotion and Expression Recognition” in Video Bioinformatics. Springer.
Journal Articles:
- A. L. Tambo, B. Bhanu, N.Ung, N. Thakoor, N. Luo, Z. Yang, “Understanding pollen tube growth dynamics using the Unscented Kalman Filter,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Available online.
- Suresh Kumar, Bir Bhanu, N. S. Thakoor, Subir Ghosh, “Modeling uncertainties in performance of object recognition,” The Mathematical Scientist, 40 (1) , Jun. 2015
- N. S. Thakoor, L. An, B. Bhanu, S. Sunderrajan, B.S. Manjunath, “People Tracking in Camera Networks: Three Open Questions,” IEEE Computer, 48 (3), Mar. 2015, pp. 78-86
- A. Cruz, B. Bhanu and N. S. Thakoor, “Background suppressing Gabor energy filtering,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 52, Jan. 2015, pp. 40–47
- A. Cruz, B. Bhanu and N. S. Thakoor, “Vision and attention theory based sampling for continuous facial emotion recognition,” IEEE Trans. Affective Computing, 5(4), Oct. 2014, pp. 418-431.
- N. Thakoor, B. Bhanu, “Structural Signatures for Passenger Vehicle Classification in Video,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(4), December 2013, pp. 1796-1805
- S. Nair, B. Bhanu, S. Ghosh, N. Thakoor, “Predictive Models for Multibiometric Systems,” Pattern Recognition, 47 (12), December 2014, pp. 3779–3792.
- R. Wang, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, “Learning Small Gallery Size for Prediction of Recognition Performance on Large Populations,” Pattern Recognition, 46(12), December 2013, pp. 3533-3547
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Branch-and-Bound for Model Selection and its Computational Complexity,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 23(5), May 2011, pp. 655-668
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, V. Devarajan, “Multibody Structure-and-Motion Segmentation by Branch-and-bound Model Selection,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 19(6), June 2010, p. 1393-1402
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, S. Jung, “Embedded planar surface segmentation system for stereo images,” Machine Vision and Applications, 21(2), Feb. 2010, p. 189-199
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, V. Devarajan, “Multi-stage Branch and Bound Merging for Planar Surface Segmentation in Disparity Space,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 17(11), Nov. 2008, p. 2217-2226
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, V. Devarajan, “Multi-hypothesis Prior for Segmentation of Stereo Disparity,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 15, 2008, p. 613-616
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Automatic Video Object Extraction with Camera in Motion,” International Journal of Image and Graphics, 8 (4), Oct. 2008, p. 573-600
- S. Gopinath, Q. Wen, N. Thakoor, K. Luby-Phelps, J. Gao, “A statistical approach for intensity loss compensation of confocal microscopy images,” Journal of Microscopy, 230 (1), April 2008, p. 143-159
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, S. Jung, “Hidden Markov Model-Based Weighted Likelihood Discriminant for 2-D Shape Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 16 (11), Nov. 2007, p. 2707 – 2719
Conference Publications:
- N. Thakoor and B. Bhanu, “Efficient Alignment for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014). Rated in top 10% of accepted papers.
- A. Cruz, B. Bhanu and N. S. Thakoor, “One shot emotion scores for facial emotion recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014).
- N. Thakoor and B. Bhanu, “Context-aware Reinforcement Learning for Re-identification in a Camera Network,” ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC 2013).
- A. Cruz, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, “Facial Emotion Recognition with Anisotropic Inhibited Gabor Energy Histograms,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2013).
- G. Harlow, A.Cruz, L. Shuo, N. Thakoor, A. Bianchi, J. Chen, B. Bhanu, Z. Yang, “Automated Spatial Analysis of ARK2: Putative Link Between ROP Signaling and Microtubules,” International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2013)
- B. X. Guan, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, P. Talbot, S. Lin, “Automatic Cell Region Detection by K-Means with Weighted Entropy,” International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2013)
- S. Yang, L. An, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, “Improving Action Units Recognition Using Dense Flow-based Face Registration in Video,” IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2013)
- N. Thakoor and B. Bhanu, “Structural Signatures for Passenger Vehicle Classification in Video,” International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), Oral presentation
- A. Cruz, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, “Facial Emotion Recognition in Continuous Video,” International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012)
- A. Cruz, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, “Facial Emotion Recognition with Expression Energy,” 2nd International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2012)
- L. An, N. Thakoor, B. Bhanu, “Vehicle Logo Super-resolution by Canonical Correlation,” International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2012)
- S. R. Nair, B. Bhanu, S. Ghosh, N. Thakoor, “Prediction and Validation of Indexing Performance for Biometrics,” International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2011)
- J. Yu, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, “Face Recognition in Video with Closed-Loop Super-resolution,” IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Biometrics Council Workshop on Biometrics in association with CVPR 2011
- B. X. Guan, B. Bhanu, N. Thakoor, P. Talbot, S. Lin, “Human Embryonic Stem Cell Detection by Spatial Information and Mixture of Gaussians,” First IEEE Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging, and Systems Biology (HISB 2011)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, V. Devarajan, “Computation Complexity of Branch-and-bound Model Selection,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (IEEE ICCV2009)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, V. Devarajan, “Multi-stage Branch-and-Bound for Maximum Variance Disparity Clustering”, IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (IAPR ICPR2008)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Branch-and-bound Hypothesis Selection for Two-view Multiple Structure and Motion Segmentation”, IEEE CS Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE CS CVPR2008)
- S. Gopinath, N. Thakoor, J. Gao, K. Luby-Phelps, “A Statistical Approach for Intensity Loss Compensation of Confocal Microscopy Images”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2007)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, S. Jung, “Real-time Planar Surface Segmentation in Disparity Space”, IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision (IEEE ECVW2007), in conjunction with IEEE CS CVPR 2007
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, S. Jung, “Detecting occlusion for hidden Markov modeled shapes”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2006)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, Q. Wen, S. Jung, “Occlusion Resistant Shape Classifier based on Warped Optimal Path Matching”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (IEEE ICPR2006), Oral presentation
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Shape Classifier based on Generalized Probabilistic Descent Method with Hidden Markov Descriptor”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (IEEE ICCV2005).
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Automatic Extraction and Localization of Multiple Moving Objects with Stereo Camera in Motion”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2005)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Hidden Markov Model based 2D Shape Classification”, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2005), Published as Lecture notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 3708/2005
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Automatic Video Object Shape Extraction and its Classification with Camera in Motion”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2005)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, S. Jung, “Hidden Markov Model based Weighted Likelihood Discriminant for Minimum Error Shape Classification,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME2005)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, S. Jung, “A Motion Field Reconstruction Scheme for Smooth Boundary Video Object Segmentation,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2004)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, and H. Chen, “Automatic Object Detection in Video Sequences with Camera in Motion,” Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (IEEE ACIVS 2004)
- N. Thakoor, J. Gao, “Articulated Video Object Extraction by the Combination of Spatial and Temporal Segmentation,” The 4th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, (IASTED VIIP 2004)