Java vs Matab code
Since Matlab uses JRE pretty extensively, it is very easy to write Matlab code which is equivalent to the java code. This is the original java code. And here is the corresponding Matlab code.
Since Matlab uses JRE pretty extensively, it is very easy to write Matlab code which is equivalent to the java code. This is the original java code. And here is the corresponding Matlab code.
I have my own app to sync my photos with Flickr which I built with Matlab. The app suddenly stopped working a week or so ago. The failure was happening in urlread. After stepping through the code, I was able to get following exception to show up: PKIX …
OpenCV function void undistort(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeffs, const Mat& newCameraMatrix=Mat()) Matlab dst=mexUndistort(src,cameraMatrix,distCoeffs) MEX function source To compile you need opencv and boost. Mex command I used with Matlab R2011a and VC9 goes like this: mex mexUndistort.cpp matcv.cpp -IC:OpenCV2.3buildinclude -ID:NinadToolsboost_1_47_0 -LC:OpenCV2.3buildx64vc9lib -lopencv_core230 -lopencv_imgproc230 …
I wrote Converter class few days back to simplify creating MEX files for OpenCV functions. Example of using the class follows in the next post. Source for matcv.h Source for matcv.cpp
I have been working on fixing 3D scanner capable of scanning entire human body. I needed to export the scanner data to Scanalyze to figure out what was wrong with the scanner. I could not find something easy and quick which I could use to export the range grid data …
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