I plan to post about my research in computer vision, photography and birding.
I plan to post about my research in computer vision, photography and birding.
OpenCV function void undistort(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeffs, const Mat& newCameraMatrix=Mat()) Matlab dst=mexUndistort(src,cameraMatrix,distCoeffs) MEX function source To compile you need opencv and boost. Mex command I used with Matlab R2011a and VC9 goes like this: mex mexUndistort.cpp matcv.cpp -IC:OpenCV2.3buildinclude -ID:NinadToolsboost_1_47_0 -LC:OpenCV2.3buildx64vc9lib -lopencv_core230 -lopencv_imgproc230 …
I wrote Converter class few days back to simplify creating MEX files for OpenCV functions. Example of using the class follows in the next post. Source for matcv.h Source for matcv.cpp
I have been working on fixing 3D scanner capable of scanning entire human body. I needed to export the scanner data to Scanalyze to figure out what was wrong with the scanner. I could not find something easy and quick which I could use to export the range grid data …
I have English(US) as my locale on my computer. I have this program which fails to run if locale is anything but Japanese. So only solution I thought I had was switching locale of the system. But that is inconvenient. After a little search, I found Applocale utility. But …
LCAV | Super-Resolution. Robust and Fast Super Resolution Super–resolution – Reproducible Research
Both Matlab array mxArray and OpenCV’s Mat can hold data any basic type. I want to write code which essentially can handle any data type. My current solution is to write template based code for data processing. I call this code with a switch/case statement. I wanted to avoid rewriting …
How does one access (i,j) th location and k th channels of a 2D cv::Mat. Here k is not constant at runtime. I was thinking cv::Mat at<T>(i,j,k) will do it. But it does not. So how do I do this?
Steps followed Check what Visual studio Matlab was compiled with. Browsed to C:Program FilesMATLABR2011abinwin64, I see boost dlls with vc90 in their names, so I am guessing Visual studio 2008 AKA VC9 was used. Just to be absolutely sure, I used Dependency Walker and opened libmex.dll in it. It shows VC9 …
I tried compiling following piece of code with “mex”. Matlab version: R2011a C++ Compiler: Visual Studio 2010 This compiles fine. But crashes Matlab, if you run “test” in Matlab. In debug mode (“mex” with -g), leads to an assertions failure !